Projekt Toronto Parking Tickets

Aus ITA-Wiki
Version vom 18. Februar 2014, 14:48 Uhr von itawiki>Bakera (Auftrag)
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Aufwand (Ph) 8
Teamgröße 1-2
Schwierigkeitsgrad mittel
Ansprechpartner Herr Bakera


Your mission is to write a program to figure out which Toronto street gave the city the most revenue from parking tickets in the first three days of January 2012.
Here is a CSV file containing data of all parking tickets issued in Toronto from Jan 1 2012 to Jan 3 2012. This is actual data taken from the Toronto Open Data website. Simply include the CSV file in your project (create a file of the same name and copy-paste its contents) and code your logic to read and parse it accordingly. For better readability, you can open the CSV file in Excel too.
Also, here is a readme file that contains info on the metadata provided in the CSV file. You can use this file as a reference to better understand the data in the CSV file.

(Taken from


Bitte tragt euch für das Projekt auf der Seite Projekte von Herrn Bakera ein.


  1. Löse das oben geschilderte Problem.
  2. Erstelle mit Hilfe einer Karte von Toronto eine Visualisierung für das Problem.